Born in Spokane, Washington, LINDA ALLEN moved to Cheney, Washington in 1985 to earn two Bachelor’s
Degrees from Eastern Washington University, one in General Studies and the other in Anthropology. In 1987, she
moved to Bellingham, Washington and received a Master’s Degree in Anthropology from Western Washington University.
She is the recipient of a Certificate of Distinguished Achievement in the field of Anthropology from Lambda Alpha, National
Honor Society for Anthropology. In addition to the Jozie Hunter mystery series, she is the author of the academic
work, Survival Techniques of the Homeless Mentally Ill. Linda Allen is a former real estate agent in Bellingham
and lives in Whatcom County with her family and her cat, Lillie. She is active in Women’s Alliance, a group that
raises funds for women’s and children’s causes. Contact the author at
The updated (April 5, 2009) following comment appears on
the back cover of the second novel in the series, Bellingham Betrayal, released in 2008: "Linda Allen graduated
in 1991 from Western washington University in Bellingham, WA with a Master's Degree in Anthropology and a determination to
do something with it other than teach. Then along came Jozie Hunter, a sometimes sleuth with a background in criminal forensics
and a day job selling real estate. Linda created Jozie as an avenue through which she could use her education in a less
conventional, more aesthetic way. 'It beat trying to paint cave art as entertaining as that was,'"Linda says. Linda sold real
estate for many years before retiring to write and continue her volunteer work. She enjoys being chairwoman of Women's
Alliance, a fundraising group, and she loves family, traveling, cats, book signing events, and old friends. The author is
currently busy completing the third Jozie Hunter adventure, Bellingham, Dead Ahead, which is set in Stehekin WA a tiny,
isolated wilderness community located at the head of Lake Chelan."
The author adds: "The third novel in the series, Bellingham Betrayal, starts and ends in Bellingham with
touch downs (that's a clue) in Stehekin and Spokane, WA. It is dedicated to the Class of 1958, Lewis and Clark High School,
located in Spokane, WA. The projected release date in April 2010."
"For a change of pace, I am writing a historical novel entitled San Francisco Dead Beat.
It is set in 1958 San Francisco, the location of the Beat Generation. I am presently about 1/3 finished and am very excited
about the project. I lived in San Francisco in those days and I still adore The City so it is a true labor
of love." I plan on returning to Jozie and her buddies - who I already miss!"
I want to thank everyone who has read my books and been so generous and kind with your comments. If
you want to get on my email list and be updated on my book events please email me at Thank you, Linda Allen
For information about Linda Allen's writing classes, contact her at Click on Schedule for more information.
